Undertale ultra sans fan game
Undertale ultra sans fan game

undertale ultra sans fan game

For as much as he hates promises and commitment, he'll throw that all aside for his brother's sake, though at the same time, his position forces him to take a more realistic than idealistic approach. Just about everything he does is for Papyrus’ sake, and he puts him even above his status as lieutenant. He'd rather lighten the mood, keep people happy. He just hides it behind humor and an unwavering smile. It's stressful, to say the least.Īnd, truth is, he's kinda cynical. And now a human's here, and his bro's befriended them, and to top it all off, they're both keeping secrets. The people are desperate for freedom, putting pressure on him, on Alphys, and especially Toriel. The royal guard's become less about providing a defense and more about an offense when that final human arrives. His worries for his brother, any regrets for abandoning his dream, certain tragedies all but forgotten, the dread that another human might come and what that would MEAN, given what he knows about Tori's thoughts on the matter, and given recent public revelations. However, much of Sans’ feelings remain under lock and key. His guard training's given him the strength to fight hard, but even so, he'd rather fight smart, if at all. And even if they are, there's a distinct power imbalance. He was brought up with the understanding that humans have, can, and WILL overpower monsters if they aren't careful. They wouldn't expect a guy like him to be packing Gaster Blasters and other nasty tricks. What's more, he uses the lazy schtick to his own advantage by appearing as this friendly slacker, it means any legit threat would underestimate him. In fact, they're part of the reason he can get away with all those breaks and naps– because usually it only takes a short time for him to scout. He also does a lot of scouting, thanks to his teleports.

undertale ultra sans fan game

As a royal guard, he takes his jurisdiction over Snowdin very seriously and genuinely cares about keeping it a safe, comfortable environment for the monsters there. The thing is, while he'd love to laze around and do nothing, he's not actually as lazy as Papyrus claims. For as much as he presents himself as a pun-loving lazybones, he's very sharp, and there's a lot going through his head at any given time. Like his canon self, he is incredibly good at picking up on expressions and can deduce a lot by reading faces.

undertale ultra sans fan game

He's got a keen eye– excellent observation skills. Seems to know just about everyone in the underground and can comfortably chat it out with just about anyone. Laid back, social, loves bad puns and pulling pranks. It consists of a neatly wrapped, blue scarf with stripes, blue gloves, a short-sleeved blue jacket with a Delta Rune badge, blue boots, and a white shirt with Undertale Papyrus' symbol. Papyrus made the outfit Sans usually wears.

Undertale ultra sans fan game